Collaborate wins twice at Creative Pool Annual Awards 2022
At Collaborate Agency, we usually aren’t one to boast, but we were astonished when we won two Creativepool Awards last month! Our collaboration with U.S. based Luxe Brands for the release of Ariana Grande’s perfume “R.E.M.” won for both the Animation and Branded Content categories.
We joined this inspiring project when Luxe Brands decided to make an animation revolving around the beautiful packaging created by Cheyne Gallarde at Illo Agency. Luxe Brands saw our showreel and fell in love with what our animators could do!
With the help of Vicky Patoulioti from ITSme, we entered the campaign into the Creativepool Annual Awards 2022. The campaign was shortlisted, and everyone waited – not so patiently – for the results! We were hopeful, but being the new kids on the block, we were the underdogs.
Being up against VCCP, Wunderman Thompson, Ketchum, Clarks, Pipar/TWBA IN The Branded Content category and We Are Seventeen, Buck, TMW, Digital Panorama, and Picturesmith in the Animation Category was an honour itself. Winning both awards was the ultimate honour as you can see from the looks on our faces.
In addition to the awards, it was wonderful to hear praises for our hard work from the judges.
Branded Content Judge
“The project utilized the most strong element of the brand, Ariana, with their audience’s relatable insight into the music video. Success guaranteed formula. By reviewing the comments on YouTube, the campaign made a great impact on raising the value of the brand.”
Tamoya Suzuki CEO Creative Producer. STORIES
Animation Judge
“A fun animation. It has a good range of influences it borrows from – which gives the film a nice setting.”
William Jeffers Visual Effects Supervisor – The Mill
Thank you to everyone who helped make this project a success and to everyone at Creativepool for the wonderful opportunity!