Collaborate’s Record Year
Well, what a year 2021 was… for Collaborate it was no exception, with record-breaking cups of coffee drank – around 8000 from 27 employees in 8 different countries, to secretly wearing pj’s!
It has been a whirlwind of a year, but a brilliant whirlwind, one which has sparked creative genius and helped Collaborate achieve more than ever before! Working with 13 celebrities helping them deliver incredible books and animation. Ending the year with a total of 5 award nominations!! We created this infographic to give you an idea of what we do, and how we do it.
I think it is pretty safe to say that Collaborate had a good year, and we just know that 2022 is going to be bigger and better than ever, with a lot more coffee drank…! Head over to our Featured Work to find out exactly what we’ve been up to!