New Year, New Content…
Shop less, go vegan, start saving… there are all sorts of resolutions people make at this time of year. Here at Collaborate, we’re resolving to embrace the new. New year, new content!
We’re kicking off 2022 with a bang as our creative geniuses generate a mass of brand new original concepts. From cute to computing, storybooks to STEM, we’ve powered up our ideas factory to churn out engaging market-ready content for kids of all ages.
Some of our newest concepts include the Codiez, a group of futuristic friends ready to teach kids about online safety! Or the Adobtablez, a gang of adorable animals each waiting to be adopted by the perfect owner. And finally, the Instrumentalz, who create musical adventures in a surreal zoo filled with animal-instrument hybrids. The rights for all of these IPs are available for purchase now!
Looking to develop an existing idea? We can take your vision from biro-scribble to bookshelf-ready. It’s what we do! Don’t know where to start? Head right over to our book ideas page to see a huge range of new proposals. You’ll also find a lineup of fledgeling concepts just waiting to be developed into the next big thing!
So if there’s a gap in your business that needs some fresh content, reach out! We’re experts in kids communication, with a creative team ready to fill your 2022 with dynamic creative content! Get in touch via [email protected].