In a world of ever-increasing content, how do you make what you have produced stand out? Using clever marketing of course! Captivate your audience with animation or custom videos to really make your products stand out, as we did with Barefoot Books’ Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. Turning their book into an animated song and dance, which now has over 500,00 views on YouTube! Or, creating a custom video as we did for CWLA’s Verity Fairy, providing an insight into this exciting new book series and a message from the author!
Did you know even internal communications can be exciting…? We created a dazzling animation for Cambridge University Press, detailing their rich history all the way from 1534 to the current date. Used to train and educate internal staff on their long and rather unique history; this certainly made learning nearly 500 years of history a little more interesting!
Breathe a new life into your products with something as simple as animating a shooting star or some fairy dust on a book cover! Simple animations can work effectively to draw attention to any special products you have, making them stand out from the crowd.
Looking to give your products the attention they deserve? Get in touch with Sean at [email protected] to find out more!