Hand2Mind - Guided Phonics + Beyond
We thoroughly enjoyed contributing to the Guided Phonics + Beyond® series, leveraging our skills in design, illustration, and project management. Driven by a passion for creating visually engaging and pedagogically robust educational materials, our team aimed to captivate young readers and support their literacy development. We are proud to have collaborated with the wonderful Hand2Mind team to produce a top-tier educational resource, reinforcing our mutual dedication to advancing literacy education through creative and effective solutions.
Phonics is identified as the biggest content gap in core curriculum by teachers and administrators. They agree that the Science of Reading is the most effective approach for teaching literacy. Guided Phonics + Beyond® Decodable Books follow Tara West’s research, engaging students in reading while practicing phonics skills. The stories are entirely decodable, containing no sounds, phonics patterns, or high-frequency words that haven’t been taught. These books prompt students to apply their phonics knowledge before seeing the pictures, ensuring comprehension without guessing. Each book includes 10 fiction and 10 non-fiction decodable stories, which seamlessly connects topics to engage readers.