Neon Squid – Young Zoologist: Axolotl and Young Zoologist: Capybara

Neon Squid

Our designers and illustrators had an exciting time collaborating with children’s publisher Neon Squid on a pair of fantastic first field guides. We carefully balanced facts and fun across 32 eye-catching, informative pages to create the perfect introduction to these awesome animals for budding zoologists – making appealing and accessible non-fiction books is second nature to us!

Axolotl, written by amphibian expert Dr. Jessica L. Whited, comes to life through the illustrations of Bethany Lord. Axolotls are renowned for their adorable smiling faces, but there’s so much more to discover about them – did you know they can regenerate lost limbs?

Greco Westermann worked with our design team to illustrate Capybara, written by Argentine ecologist Dr Julia Mata. We can all agree that capybaras look incredibly cuddly, but can you believe they are an over-sized cousin of the guinea pig?

Pygmy Hippo, is an illustrated first field guide to the adorable pygmy hippo from expert Dr. Fiona Sach, featuring illustrations by Lisa Maria. Discover why the pygmy hippo’s skin is always shiny, the surprising aquatic mammals that they’re closely related to, how their unusual toilet habits help support the ecosystem, and so much more!

Axolotl, Pygmy Hippo, and Capybara are some of the newest titles in Neon Squid’s Young Zoologist first field guide series, and we can’t wait to bring even more exciting creatures to life!